Friday, April 18, 2008

The Most Powerful Breasts In the World

Okay, so you probably think the title of this post refers to Oprah. Or maybe Pamela Anderson. It doesn't. It refers to Angela Merkel. Who is Angela Merkel? She's the Chancellor of Germany (their President). And guess what? She's got boobs! I know, right? A woman with boobs! Completely unbelievable. And that's exactly the reaction she got for wearing this daring gown to the opera.

News outlets everywhere flipped. Out. Gosh, Hillary thought she got it when she wore a V-neck on the floor of Congress back in July. One would think Angela was photographed pole dancing or flashing her va-jah-jah coming out of a limo.

It just goes to show that men are so easily distracted. It's kind of embarrassing. Ladies, we can take over the world tomorrow if we all walked out of the house without our tops on. It would be quick, it would be easy, and no one would get hurt. Email me with a time and date for our Boobie Revolution.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! I love it. I'm not in though on the Boobie Revolution. I've got too much shame about my body, perpetuated by the unrealistic body images I see on TV and in magazines that are fed to me by the patriarchy.