Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is It Friday Yet?

I’m having a disappointing week, and it’s only Wednesday.

Sunday, I was tired. But I didn’t want to nap in the middle of the day because this was the week that I was determined to get my bottom back to the gym, and I tend to do better with that vow if I go to the gym in the morning. I was afraid that if I took a 2PM nap that I wouldn’t be tired at 10PM and therefore wouldn’t get to sleep until midnight making it more likely that I wouldn’t get up at 5:50AM on Monday. So, I had a cranky-baby Sunday.

Monday, I learned that our Executive Assistant is leaving. While I’m happy for her, it brought up my insecurities about my own growth in this industry and made me freak out about my future all over again.

Tuesday, I got an email from my friend saying that her roommate was not going to be getting married to that millionaire afterall and therefore the tentative offer to move in was withdrawn. While I’m happy for her and her roommate, I’m even more depressed about my own living and financial situation.

Today is Wednesday and I’m sitting here at my desk wondering what could possibly go wrong today. Get into a car accident? Get a letter from the IRS telling me that I transposed a number and owe $1000 more in back taxes? It’ll be financial. Because that’s the only other place it’ll hurt to get kicked right now. Other than the dating scene, that is. But I’m pretty sure my Man Issues will wait until this weekend as I was invited to party that’s main attraction was the overwhelming number of Aussie men on the guest list. I’m fully expecting to meet the man of my dreams…and his gorgeous wife. Because that’s just the sort of week I’m having.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that your roomate plans fell through, I know that would have been a little easier for you. I love you! Keep your head up, you live in Cali!!!! -Kate

Anonymous said...

Hey- HEY- listen to me. If there's one thing your life demonstrates it's that you are resilient, strong, smart and good enough to overcome anything. You have overcome worse situations than this. It's not the last apartment on earth, and a better living situation is out there, and either you will find it or it will find you. Have Death hold your backpack and keep walking.

Meg said...

Hey, Miss Jessica. Hang in there. I know how things often pile up in a big stupid way, but they will indeed get better. You'd tell me this if you were hanging out with me here in NYC and I was sad, and then I'd tearily make you go get a cupcake with me. So virtual cupcakes to you.