Friday, June 20, 2008


*Today is the first day of summer. It's 10:40AM in California and currently 103-degrees in the Valley. Is it possible for a human being to melt?

*Next month, the new Hands Free law will go into effect in California. This means, anyone using a cell phone without a hands free device while driving will be ticketed. I would like to say, "Huzzah!" I've recently been walking to work, and I've almost been run over four times. Once by a guy in an SUV who thought he could make a right on red and cut me off in a crosswalk, and three times by women on cell phones. Now, you all know me. I'm a feminist and I really, really hate the stereotype of bad women drivers. However. THREE WOMEN DRIVERS tried to kill me. All because they were too busy chatting away on their cells and not paying attention to things like pedestrians. One, seriously, never even saw me. She never slowed down and I felt her bumper grazer my shin. Geezus ladies. I beg of you. Stop it.

*Speaking of cell phones: my battery is dying. And I don't mean right now. (Though, I suppose that's technically true.) I mean it's dying quickly between each charge up. And what's really annoying is that I'll get on the phone with someone and have to get off almost immediately if I'm not near a charger as my phone starts its low-battery beep within ten minutes of chatting. Now, I would just buy a new battery, but my contract is up in September. So, I should just wait and get a new phone, right? Whatever. It's annoying.

*I lived for two years without internet access in my apartment in K-Town. However, within three weeks, I've become so accustomed to having internet access that I now feel inconvenienced that there has been a blip in the service. Since the internet coverage was in the last roommate's name, we had to switch it. But the internet provider basically told us that it couldn't be done on the same day. WHAT! So, now we have to wait a week until a technician can come out and set us up with "new" service. SIGH. Its times like these that I empathize with Veruca Salt.

*I'm reading a very bad script right now. Its based off a very bad book by a mystery writer who decided to write a schlocky Christmas novel. (No, not John Grisham.) Its times like these that I wonder why I haven't finished a screenplay. People got paid for this crap. Seriously.

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