Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Wonder...

Since the rise of the comic book movie franchise, people have been clamoring for the one iconic super hero who has never been given a movie of his -- actually, her -- own. In the great comic book canon, Batman, Superman, Spider-man, Hulk, and, yes, Wonder Woman are pretty much the ones we Gen-Xers know and idolize. I could've cared less about the Fantastic Four and X-Men. However, both have had a couple of movies now with X-Men digging further back to do more creation movies (next up? The White Queen, Emma Frost). They are re-starting (again) the Spider-man franchise, bringing Peter Parker back to high school. The Hulk has been made twice, and now they're talking about a third one because obviously they didn't get it right with Ang Lee or Edward Norton. Batman has had two very successful franchises now, with more Nolan to come. And there are whispers about another possible Superman. But no Wonder Woman. The very fact that the Green Hornet and Captain America are getting movies before the lady is just a league of injustice to mankind. (Sorry, couldn't help myself.)

The argument has been that WW has had many, many incarnations. That every time the definition of "She's Hot" changed, the great comic gods scrapped the current lady lasso'er and started again. So, from Amazonian princess to goddess (special like Superman) to Emma Peel'ish super spy (not special like Batman), she was started and re-started again. So, if they were going to do a movie, which generation of Wonder Woman fan would they appeal to? (Which is total b.s. as the Chris Nolan's Batman franchise plays within a defined universe without catering to the fanboys and its a huge, huge hit with everyone.) Last year, there was a great surge of interest in a WW movie, and rumor after rumor was heard around town about the imminent Wonder Woman film. Then, suddenly, a web site appeared to reveal that a movie was underway and someone had been cast. Who was it? Megan Fox! A great uproar went up and Warner Bros. (who owns all live action DC Comic heroes) quickly sent out a release saying that it was a hoax.

In the midst of all this hoopla over comic book movie franchises, DC Comics must have gotten the brilliant idea to re-start the Wonder Woman story all over again, with a new outfit to match. Is it me, or does she look a lot like Megan Fox?

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