Hear ye, hear ye! I'm back on track! This is the 41st week of the year and this is my 41st post. I'd like to thank the month of July which allowed me to catch up and get a bit ahead. Thank you, July.
I had a face-to-face interview at Disney yesterday, something I've known about since Friday. What I've come to realize is that I don't deal well with stress and anxiety. Over the last few days, all I've been able to eat is pasta with butter, toast, cheese sticks, and sometimes I could force down chicken; but for the most part, I was sick to my stomach all the way down to my lower intestines. Gurgle, gurgle.
This is not something I've dealt with my entire life. I used to get butterflies in my stomach when I was younger and forced to give a class presentation. When I hit my teen years, my stomach would clench whenever I was forced to speak in public (and not in a cheerleading uniform). But about ten years ago, when I first had to stand up in front of a romance conference and pass myself off as a professional, I spent nearly three days in the bathroom afraid that whatever I put into my mouth wouldn't stay there. The pinnacle being the hour that led up to the moment. I was stuck in the bathroom listening to all those women talk about me without knowing who I was. About three years after that, I was lined up for my sister's wedding procession and had to duck into the lavatory at the top of the stairs, my mother shouting for me when it was just about my turn. Any big moment in my life now seems cause me to lose my lunch or at the very least dry heave. So, when I got the phone call that the Senior Vice President wanted to meet with me and promptly started to receive paperwork that would verify my employment should an offer be extended, my esophagus closed up and my GI track shut down.
There is one silver lining to this terrifying phenomenon: I think I lost five pounds in four days!
As for Disney, cross your fingers one and all. Just remember: If I get this job, I get free park hopper passes to the parks! There's something in this for all of us.
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