Monday, November 17, 2008

Crazy Lost

Alright all you Lost fans, and I know you're legion, I just heard the funniest thing: One of our favorite editors here also edits Lost. Due to the Disney gag order, he can't talk about the show so I have no new information about the upcoming episodes (except to say that he just finished editing the finale. GAH!). Sorry. But what he did say had me laughing and slightly horrified. I guess as a lark, the writers decided to use his name in the show. Something about an email or something. And the real Lost fans, I mean the crazy ones, noticed that the character's name was very similar to the editor's name and went nuts researching him. The editor's wife said that there were over 100,000 hits on his name on Google, and that the fans researched his bio and geneology so throughly -- and posted it on web sites parsing it for clues to upcoming story arcs -- he now knows things about his ancestors that, well, he never knew. I love Lost as much as the next guy, but seriously people. It's a TV show.

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