Wednesday, August 4, 2010


My brain is on fast forward today. Things I'm thinking:

1) I cannot believe that my gorgeous twin nieces are one today. I'm seriously missing me some baby right now.

2) I'm missing baby so much right now that I texted my sister that she needs to get on a plane with her baby -- my other niece -- and come visit me. When she shot me down, I promptly booked my flight back to Connecticut for Christmas.

3) I booked my flight home for Christmas. Let me tell you something, it was pricey this year, and I had an awful feeling it was only going to get worse.

4) I need more money for a few reasons: (a) I need a vacation; (b) it would be nice to go back east for a week or two (see 1 and 2); (c) see 3.

5) I bought a belated birthday gift for myself. I saw this on Romancing the Tome (see Blogs I Read and You Can Too) and had to buy one. It was between the Flannery O'Connor house or the Emily Dickinson house because blue and pink are accent colors in my bedroom where the poster will hang. The Dickinson house won only because its Massachusetts and I'm a New England snob.

6) I want that poster to arrive, like, now.

7) I want to go home now. The funny thing about that statement is that I'm not thinking of a particular place, but a feeling. I want to feel calm, at peace, and content. I'm done with the running around, pursuing a career, and trying to gain or acquire something. I want to live the life of a dilettante. I want to have a very nice house by the Atlantic Ocean where small nieces can come to visit and where I can write whatever piece of literature I want whether it be a romance novel, screenplay, or kids picture book without worrying about how I'm going to finance such a life.


A_Gallivant said...

What a wonderful intention! Here's to you and your oceanside home.

Amy Helmes said...

Yay to our one Romancing the Tome fan! If you really need some baby, you can come watch mine on any occasion.

I still have all your books sitting by the door for you, speaking of. We need to get together so I can get them back to you.