Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Neorealism in Life

Sometimes like is like a Fellini movie. I see things and I wish I could take a picture of it just because it's beautiful or absurd. Last week, during the rains, I saw a black woman walking with a blue beach umbrella with white piping. She wasn't angry or embarrassed by the fact that she was using a beach umbrella. In fact, she seemed quite delighted by it. This morning, on my daily walk, I watched an Orthodox Jewish boy dart out of his family driveway on his BMX bike. He jumped it off the curb, popped a small wheelie, then took off for school, his black jacket flapping behind him, fedora firmly on his head. Or the time Hugh and I went out to Venice beach and he just walked right out onto the sand in his black wingtips to watch a drum circle that included bongos and a full drum kit and a didgeridoo. Things are the kinds of things that make me laugh; the moments that make life surprising.

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