READ: Did you read the Tina Fey article in The New Yorker? Andi says that everyone thinks that they're Tina Fey or Liz Lemon, but I really do think that she and I would be exceptional friends because, quite frankly, every time I watch 30 Rock, there is something there that I've already thought. We're soul mates. My favorite line from the article? "The deļ¬nition of 'crazy' in show business is a woman who keeps talking even after no one wants to fuck her anymore." Ahh, so true. Thank you, Ms. Fey.
HEARD: The Charlie Sheen rant on the radio. Oh. My. God. The very saddest thing about this is that we are watching yet another drug addict self destruct in front of us, and there's nothing we can do about it because this kind of self-destruction has been served up for so long that we make reality shows about it giving these people more money to continue the behavior. With that said, it's the gladiators and public executions all over again, isn't it? Some people want to watch the debacle. Anna Nicole Smith? Michael Jackson? Heath Ledger? For some reason, we like it when the rich and famous die...on our watch. We like to shake our moralistic heads and tut-tut. What makes my stomach clench over this one is that I've met both his dad and his unfamous brother who is a really nice guy, and I would love to send him a note to say how sorry I am that his family is going through this considering I know what its like to have addicts in the family. However, this is Hollywood and I don't want him to think that I'm using a media circus to leverage a relationship. Showbusiness is sick.

DREAMT: I had a strange dream where I met Jeremy Renner while he was playing basketball, and I thought he was a really nice guy, but I couldn't date him because he was the ex-boyfriend of a good friend/roommate of mine. I woke up feeling heart broken.
FELT: Lately, I feel like if my 14-year old self could see me now, she would be extraordinarily disappointed in us."Why are we not rich, famous, married, or a mom? Why are we 0 for 4? WHAT DID YOU DO?! [under her breath] loser." Unfortunately, I keep wondering how to change all this, and -- quite frankly -- I'm at a loss. Any suggestions short of slut'ing it up on a Friday night will be considered.
EMAILED: I sent out a blanket email to all my L.A. friends asking them to do stuff with me. While majority of the people were enthusiastic about their own participation, I still don't have plans until this spring. I think this is really funny because I grew up in Connecticut which has gotten an inordinate amount of snow this year, and yet Californians think that 60-degree whether is too cold. Granted, the gardens (any place that needs flora and/or fauna) should be enjoyed only in those seasons when they, you know, bloom. But the rest of it just feels like laziness on all our parts.
REALIZED: I will have owned my car for a year next month. I have enjoyed not worrying about a vehicle for this entire time, and incidentally, I'm only at 6,ooo miles. *Sigh* It's like a mental message.