Thought yesterday while Anthony Edwards was in the office: Is there any way possible for me to ask him to sing "You've Lost that Loving Feeling" without seeming like a total imbecile?
Thought this morning: Am I going to get a car to and from JFK this time (for BEA)? Or am I going to have to get a cab? I better get freaking car service. Why am I always the ugly step-kid around here?
Thought one minute ago: How do I get my police FTO to stop sending me pro-2nd Amendment, pro-social conservative chain emails without revealing that I've totally gone over to the dark side?
Thought on Saturday while sitting through the first ten minutes of the opera: Oh my god, I think I'm going to fall asleep! Please God, don't let me be the un-enlightened boor who falls asleep at the opera.
Thought on Sunday while watching State of Play: Russell Crowe looks awful; is he ever going to be hot again? Someone needs to talk to him about character actor versus leading man physical appearance. And Ben Affleck's sideburns are too long. Did they make him grow them out because that's the only grey hair he has and they needed to age him up a bit? It looks weird.
Thought last night while watching 60 Minutes: Wow, my generation is totally screwed. Maybe I should cash out my 401(k), pay off all my debt and start stashing money in bonds, savings accounts, and under the mattress.
1 comment:
You are out of the loop...Russell Crowe IS hot again. He looks exactly like he did in Gladiator for his role as Robin Hood.
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